No word to told yah...Just disappointed,since i can't answered en raqib interview just now..
Mr. Koy:Salam Encik
Mr. Raqib:Wassalam.Come have a sit*pandai plak dia speaking ek,ngehe*
Have a chat about few minutes,and then he start asked me a question
Mr. Raqib:I give u just an easy one.How to do aggrgate impact value(AIV)?
Mr. Koy:*thinking,ayak! tadi kau tanye kawan2 aku CBR Multilane Spot Study,bila time aku ko tanye AIV plak..camne ni??Fikir ayat nak goreng..*
Mr. Koy:Erm.The purpose of AIV is to know the toughness of the bitumen,tar when a moving load passed on it..and the procedure is..1st we need to sieve the sample,and sample that not pass 10mm will be taken..and the sample then will be tamping using the road,for 3 layer and 1 layer is followed by 25 tapping..
*Pause for a while*
Mr. Koy:and then using an AIV machine,we knock it about 15 hit...and...*waa blur*...and....
Mr. Raqib:And...then???
Mr. Koy:urm..dont know la encik..suddenly saya blank..
Mr. Raqib:OO blank ek...kalau blank bacalah selawat..InsyaAllah ingat balik..
Mr. Koy:*try selawat 4 5 kali..isk lupa plak..tulah baca last minute lagi*...
Mr. Raqib:Ok lah nevermind...erm hows about ur test 2?u think is it ok?
Mr. Koy:Ok kot..So-so je encik..
Mr. Raqib:*showing my test 2 paper*the marks quite good..for the final exam,dont forget to study hard..Ingat tuhan banyak2,mintak dia terangkan hati kita,kasi dapat jawab soalan exam dengan lebih mudah..
Mr. Koy:Baik encik..
After that i exit the room,disappointed,easy question,but still cant answer...apa da jadi ngan aku ne??Amalan tak cukup banyak kot...takpe nnt aku ikut cakap dia,manataw berkat,dapat B pun jadilah..USAHA + TAWAKKAL + DOA + DADIH= SUCCES,so belilah dadih aku ek..jangan malu2 hehe=)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Merepek Meraban 7
Posted by Mr Koy at 1:33 AM
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dadih pn sumber kejayaan gk ker..huhu
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