Sunday, March 30, 2008

Do You Know??

Headline today for Metro Ahad caught my eyes:

Bantuan Pernafasan Bagi Mangsa Rebah Diserang Sakit Jantung Dalam Masa 4 minit Boleh Memberinya 45% Peluang Untuk Hidup

Good info.Too many dies because of the heart attack,and most of them are heavy smoker.And I will not too shock if unactive smoker also have heart attack disease.. nowadays hard to find person who doent smoke,and i'm think those who are not smoke are special,and knows how to think rationally,since as you know they are many chemical found in cigarettes,tar,rat's posion,nicotine and all of them give bad effect to smokers..

Back to the headline..I found some new interesting info,and wanna share here:

1. Not many people know how to doing CPR,and even they know,45% doctor and 80% are not ready to do it for unknown reason

2.Among for those who have heart attack,only 30% reached hospital,and it leave 70% die at the
scene and on the way to hospital

3. If CPR given in early 4 minutes,the victim have at least 45 percent chance to survive,but if it late,about 8-10 minutes,the chance for survive is only 10 percent.

4. CPR is not given for those have heart attack only,it also been used to save the drowning victim,electric shock victim and choke victim<--mangsa tercekik,dunno wat words to use

5. When doing the CPR,actually u are supplying oxygen blood to heart ,brain and the important organ in body till the victim get the treatment and the heart will start functionally well.

So what we're waiting for??Come learn CPR,as it can help us to save more lives.